
domingo, 15 de julio de 2012

Thom Yorke

to try to meet them".

 "Whenever I meet a beauty, I escape or hide in a corner. Not that I think they are intimidating, but they attract horrible people. Some guys really do their utmost to make these beautiful women believe how good they are. Beauty means power. And I'm a bit cynical towards all that. Honestly I've never met a beautiful girl that I really liked. You never get the chance to really get to know them. Result : I don't even take the effort now to try to meet them".

My songs are my kids. Some of them stay with me, some others I have to send out, out to the war. It might sound stupid and it might even sound naive, but that's just the way it is.
Thom Yorke

"You will become a hypocrite, you'll become a liar. You'll try and paper up your own cracks... and that's what being an adult is all about. Then you have babies and... *shrug* that's it. *long pause* Sorry! *laughs*"

"When I was born my left eye was completely paralysed. My eyelid was permanently shut and they thought it would be like that for the rest of my life. Then some specialist bloke realised he could graft a muscle in, like a bionic eye. So I had 5 major operations between the age of nought to 6. They fucked up the last one and I went half blind. I can kind of see. I can judge when I hit something but that's about it. They made me wear this eye patch on my eye for a year, saying, 'Oh, well, it's just got lazy through all the operations', which was crap because they damaged it. The first operation I had, I was just learning to speak, and apparently I said, 'what do I got?' I didn't know. I woke up and I had this huge thing on my eye, and according to my parents I just doubled and started crying."

domingo, 1 de julio de 2012

500 Days of Summer!

500 days of summer, couple, friends, gif, love, movie, quote

500 days of summer, amazing, beautiful, pretty

OMG!!! escucho esta cancion y solo viene a mi mente recuerdos de mis clases
de  ingles en los 90 y moria por entender todas las clases de
la profesora americana de ese acuerdo de Bizarro en barranco
mis mejores amigos en la playita cerca a mi cuarto lleno de posters...
del sunset veraniego por las tardes ♥

Q temon!!!...quien no tuvo en su vida a un Tom y a una Summer
esta historia de amor alucinante, me llena de alegrias...
de mi juventud...esa hermosa etapa Q muchos olvida y no saben apreciar.

Cuando crees estar enamorado por primera vez es maravilloso
sueles escuchar canciones de amor.....
cometes locuras....
te equivocas pero es parte de todo!
crees estar enamorada pero no sabes que falta muchisimo
para estarlo.
Yo me enamore a los 13 años y fue hermoso
lo recuerdo siempre con una sonrisa en el rostro y aunque no
termino como yo queria fue muy especial.

Aun guardo recuerdos de esos bellos momentos
Cd's,, fotos,, mensajes,,regalos!

Los tiempos han cambiado muchisimo
antes te podian escribir una cancion
ahora la sacan por internet y te la mandan por Whatsapp
ahora existen las famosas " blind date!"
en mi generacion no las habian.......

Tan puro y sensible era antes
ahora me asusta muchisimo los nuevos "adolescentes"
me pregunto muchas veces como vere YO como Mama
a mis tres hijos enamorarse.

Cuantas veces tendran Q sufrir y resbalar por amor
pero estare ahi para apoyarlos en todo, aunque duele
duele mucho verlos sufrir pero la vida es asi
El amor es maravilloso pero puede doler a la vez!

500 days of summer, couple, love, movie, vintage

500 days of summer, 500 days to summer, funny, love, movie, movies, music, phrase, quote, ringo starr, text


Hola Chicas!

Tanto tiempo ha pasado,, tanto ke contar,,tengo miles de apuntes ,,
solo necesito el tiempo adecuado.

Gracias por sus lindos email y comentarios

 Buen domingo a todas!!

COOLMAMA is back!